Working on vehicles can be an extremely fun and rewarding career.
And as you may already know…
The work takes place around highly dangerous machinery, tools, and chemicals. And, if you’re not taking the proper safety precautions – your passion for automotive work can be short-lived.
A normal day at the repair shop can turn into an expensive hospital bill at the blink of an eye.
Even with the safety rules and regulations your employer has set in stone…
Mistakes are a dime a dozen if you work in the automotive industry.
But we don’t say this to intimidate you.
In fact… just the opposite.
After gathering a large set of data, we’ve uncovered the top 3 hazards you’ll want to pay close attention to at work.
Be mindful of the following dangers and we can guarantee that you won’t get injured on the job.
Plus, your boss will notice how much you prioritize safety and may give you the raise you’re looking for.
Here are three of the most common mistakes mechanics:

Mistake #1) Working in Unorganized and Messy Work Areas
Having a clean work area is crucial for preventing injury. Careless mistakes like having a screwdriver on the ground can cause you to slip and hurt yourself.
Pick up tools and use tool cabinets to keep walkways clear and free from clutter.

Mistake #2) Wearing Normal Clothes and Shoes
Mechanics who don’t wear protective gear are much more likely to get injured at work. Cuts and burns were reported as the most common injury according to a study in the Journal of Industrial Health.
Goggles, gloves and especially safety shoes should be worn at all times when making repairs.

Mistake #3) Being Exposed to Toxic Chemicals
Auto mechanics are susceptible to long-term illnesses caused by chemicals and gasoline additives. Contact with certain products containing lead may cause kidney diseases, anemia, neurological disorders, and even death…
Perhaps the most important precaution we can’t stress enough is to wear protective work gear from head to toe.
Something so simple as wearing anti-slip work shoes can make all the difference.
The chances of slipping and injuring yourself can be drastically reduced by simply investing in high-quality protective gear.
So you may want to think twice the next time you wear flat footed shoes to work.
(It could just save your entire automotive career)...
Click Out Our Protective Footwear