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3 Rules To Follow For Safe Hiking

Ready to Go Hiking? Don’t Risk Your Life By Being Unprepared

“If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”

Everyone’s heard that quote and when it comes to your next hiking adventure… being prepared will prevent you from facing a life-and-death situation. 

Without proper planning and packing, even a short day hike could turn into a potentially dangerous outing.

So before you venture off into the wilderness – make sure to cross all your T’s and dot your I’s.

After all, hiking is supposed to be a fun adventure… not a stressful, life-threatening event!

Here are three crucial tips we recommend before your next outdoor adventure:

#1) Wear Protective Gear

To prevent yourself from injuries and scratches, always wear high-quality gear from head to toe. Make sure you layer yourself appropriately based on the weather and invest in a good pair of shoes that are both comfortable and protective.

#2) Hike During the Day

Whenever possible, try to hike during the day. It’s much easier to get lost in the dark and with nightfall comes a variety of wild animals that may not have good intentions.

#3) Know Your Environment

Exploring new hiking trails is always exciting. But new territories always come with a bit of unfamiliarity. Before heading out, check the regional hiking information for wild animals, poisonous plants and any hiking alerts.

Out of the three tips we discuss above…

Perhaps the most important (in our humble opinion) is to ensure you’re wearing protective gear from head to toe!

Why is that?

Because life happens and venturing into unknown territory or not finding your way home before the sun sets happens to the best of us.

When this happens… it’s crucial that you’re protected from sticks, stones, trees and everything in between.

Our #1 recommendation is to invest in a pair of high-quality protective shoes.

If you hurt your feet during your hike, there’s no way you can crawl your way back home.

That’s why foot safety is more important than anything else when hiking.

So the next time you’re going on a hiking trip… please make sure you have your best pair of protective shoes on.

It could just save your life!

Check out our best collection of stylish steel toe safety shoes